New Windsor Fire & Hose Company No. 1

2024 Responses
Fire EMS
January 30 69
February 22 55
March 33 77
April 40 68
May 32 64
June 33 78
July 30 85
August 34 72
September 27 55
October 29 59
November 0 62
December 0 0
Total 310 744

Yearly Stat Total
Fire EMS
2010 269 502
2011 279 492
2012 264 471
2013 243 461
2014 254 487
2015 288 597
2016 251 584
2017 298 586
2018 338 650
2019 327 627
2020 280 601
2021 332 963
2022 362 1047
2023 382 914

Web Counters
Website Visitors
December 17, 2008
Visitors Today
Dec 12, 2024

Membership Application

Required   Indicates Required Field
Applicant’s Full Name:
Last, First, Middle Initial
Home Address:
Street Address, City, State, Zip Code
How long have you lived at this address?:
Home Phone #:
Cell Phone #:
Email Address: Required
Date of Birth: Required
Sex: Male
Please provide the last 5 digits of your social security number: :
This information is used to verify training certificates
Driver’s License #:
Driver's License Class :
Driver’s State Issued:
Height: Required
Weight: Required
Education and Employment
Where are you currently employed::
Job Title:
Supervisor’s Name:
May we contact your supervisor?: Yes
Education Level: Required
Other Education:
Please list any other technical/professional degrees:
Previous Fire, Rescue, or EMS experience:
Have you ever filed an application with the New Windsor Fire Department: : Required Yes
If so, when? :
Have you ever been a member if any other fire or rescue department(s)?:: Required Yes
If you have been a member of any other fire or rescue department please list department name(s) and date(s)::
Have you ever been denied membership to a fire and/or rescue department?:: Required Yes
If so, please give details: :
Have you ever been discharged for misconduct or unsatisfactory service or asked to resign from a fire and/or rescue department?:: Required Yes
If you have been discharged, please give details: :
List any firefighting and/or emergency medical certifications that are current. Please provide copies of the certifications: :
Please provide copies of certifications::
Upload documents here: Acceptable formats include DOC, DOCX, PDF, XLS, XLSX, PPT, PPTX, TXT, JPEG, PNG
Add files...
Please list any other professional or volunteer experience that you may have:
List any special training, skills or interests you may have:
Please list any medical restrictions that might/will affect your ability to fulfill the requirements for the classification of membership you have applied for:
Please list any restrictions that might/will affect your availability for volunteer work (work schedule, etc.):
Have you ever been convicted of a felony offense?: Required No
If yes, please provide details :
Personal References
Reference #1:
Name, Address, Phone Number
Reference #2:
Name, Address, Phone Number
Reference #3:
Name, Address, Phone Number
Emergency Notification Information
Primary Emergency Contact #1:
Name, Relationship to You, Address, Phone Number, Additional Phone Number
Emergency Contact #2:
Name, Relationship to You, Address, Phone Number, Additional Phone Number
Electronic Signature: Required
How did you hear about us? :
Date Submitted: 12/12/2024 0338


The facts set forth in my application for membership are true and correct. I understand that a false statement on this application may be considered cause for rejection of this application or termination of my membership. I hereby authorize the New Windsor Fire Department to conduct a work history, reference check, and/or police inquiries as it deems appropriate, and I further release the New Windsor Fire Department of any circumstances that may come out of any investigations. (Note: any information retrieved will be kept confidential and treated as personal). I understand that nothing contained in the membership application promises anything regarding membership, and I understand that no such promise is binding upon the New Windsor Fire Department unless made in writing.

If elected to the Department, I understand that I am a part of the New Windsor Fire Department, and therefore I can be requested to resign or be terminated or expelled from membership. Causes for termination or expulsion from membership may include, but are not limited to:

  1.  Failure to comply with the bylaws of the Department
  2.  Failure to comply with the policies and procedures of the Department
  3.  Providing false or misleading information on this application

By my electronic signature above, I affirm that I have read and understood these statements and I further agree to the provisions contained herein.

Community Events
Tuesday Night Bingo

Website Designed and Hosted By Content Proudly Maintained By: Contact Info:
Firehouse Solutions
New Windsor Fire Department
101 High Street
New Windsor, MD 21776
Emergency Dial 911
Department Phone: (410)635-6373
Department Fax: (410)848-6711
Copyright © 2024 Firehouse Solutions (A Service of Technology Reflections, Inc.)