New Windsor Fire Prevention Contest Announced
By Member Melissa Williams
May 16, 2017

The New Windsor Fire and Hose Company sponsors a Miss New Windsor Fire Prevention program each year. This year the contest will be held on June 5, 2017. Each winner will represent the New Windsor Fire and Hose Company #1 at local fire department events, parades, and pubic education events. In addition, the winner of the Miss Fire Prevention and Jr. Miss Fire Prevention contest will go on to represent New Windsor at the Miss Carroll County Fire Prevention contest later in the year.


1. Contestants must be single, never married, and have no children or be pregnant.

2. Age Requirements
a. Little Miss 6 to 10 years of age
b. Junior Miss 11 to 15 years of age
c. Miss 16 to 24 years of age

3. Each contestant will be interviewed by a panel of three judges.

4. Contest judges will not be members or employees of the New Windsor Fire and Hose Company #1.

5. Contestants will be judged on the following:
a. General Presentation
b. Speaking Ability
c. Fire Prevention Knowledge and Presentation

6. Applications must be received by the New Windsor Fire and Hose Company's Miss Fire Prevention chair by May 21, 2017.

7. This is not a talent or beauty contest

8. Judges' decision is final

9. Attire
a. Little Miss Dress ("Sunday best" attire)
b. Jr. Miss and Miss (Business attire for interview, Gown or nice dress for stage portion)

10. Any Fire Prevention representative under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all events they attend.

11. Contestants must live within Carroll County. Contestants may not compete for the title of Miss New Windsor Fire Prevention if their first due fire department sponsors a Miss Fire Prevention contest for their age group.

12. Contestants may not hold any other Miss Fire Prevention titles at the time they are competing.

If you have any questions, contact the Miss Fire Prevention chairperson, Melissa Williams at 410-977-2843 or

Miss Fire Prevention Applications are available at the Station.